I apologize for having to do this in such a crass way, but I'm not really sure how else to approach this. Ive tried reaching out to Monica Belevan through the email provided on this site but I'm not even sure she still checks this regularly. The reason I submitted my question "What is your understanding on what it means to break the fifth wall?" is that I have been working on a book for about three years now involving the Dark Souls and Elden Ring series of games. I recently had an opportunity to present my work to Rhonda Shearer, the Duchamp expert in the world, and I have been blown away with how well it has been received. I am now in talks with several publishers regarding having my work published and have even been invited to participate in the Duchamp retrospective in New York, the first on held in the city in 50 years. Without Mrs. Belivan going through the effort of writing this essay and pointing me in the right direction, I never would have been able to complete my work. I owe her an enormous debt of gratitude. If anyone knows a way I could get in touch with Monica Belevan so that I may thank her personally and ask her if she would be interested in participating in the upcoming Duchamp retrospective or see if she would be able to give me advice on how to navigate the publishing process, I would be extremely grateful.
I apologize for having to do this in such a crass way, but I'm not really sure how else to approach this. Ive tried reaching out to Monica Belevan through the email provided on this site but I'm not even sure she still checks this regularly. The reason I submitted my question "What is your understanding on what it means to break the fifth wall?" is that I have been working on a book for about three years now involving the Dark Souls and Elden Ring series of games. I recently had an opportunity to present my work to Rhonda Shearer, the Duchamp expert in the world, and I have been blown away with how well it has been received. I am now in talks with several publishers regarding having my work published and have even been invited to participate in the Duchamp retrospective in New York, the first on held in the city in 50 years. Without Mrs. Belivan going through the effort of writing this essay and pointing me in the right direction, I never would have been able to complete my work. I owe her an enormous debt of gratitude. If anyone knows a way I could get in touch with Monica Belevan so that I may thank her personally and ask her if she would be interested in participating in the upcoming Duchamp retrospective or see if she would be able to give me advice on how to navigate the publishing process, I would be extremely grateful.